I hope everyone and their families are safe and healthy out there. There’s no doubt these are trying times in the world.
Right now, everyone is processing the times of COVID-19 differently. It can be challenging— personally, professionally, and just going about everyday life.
It can feel like survival mode for many of us right now.
That said, I do think this is a time to remind people to be hopeful and optimistic.
Harvard Business Review recently came out with an article sharing that the “ discomfort you’re feeling is grief.”
I could totally identify with that and Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’ stages of grief.
Quite honestly, at first, I found myself in a place of denial. I was thinking this is temporary and this is going to blow over. And when it continued, I found myself in a place of situational depression. I was still functioning but in this “lull” and a “funk”. I was not motivated.
Then finally, as time went on and I thought more, I went into a stage of acceptance. I realized— this is where we are and this is our reality.
So I began to shift my mindset to hope and lean into the new “normal” by adjusting my practices and habits.
I began to dig my heels in, work on my business, and think of how to pivot my products and create new services to keep my brand relevant and impactful.
Even though my business has been impacted like all businesses out there, I can say, I’m now excited about moving forward.
For me personally, to feel grounded and keep my mental health upbeat, I need to have a strong sense of productivity and progress around my goals.
That is why I am continuing to work on my business, push the work of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) forward, and hold space for people to connect.
The “why” has not changed in terms of what I do and why I do it. But, the “what” and “how” are definitely shifting.
I believe that the work of DEI is more essential now than ever. Inclusive leadership is a skill set every leader must have to keep pace with the rapid changes we are experiencing globally.
If we aren’t careful, those who are most vulnerable will continue to be negatively impacted by greater inequities. And that’s why I want to authentically share how I’m pivoting with you today—in the hopes of providing some inspiration to lead inclusively and we navigate reaching the other side of this crisis.
1. Releasing ‘ Inclusion Uncomplicated ’ bite-sized videos
If you follow my social media and emails, I recently announced new content called “Inclusion Uncomplicated” — it’s a new video series with small, bite-sized nuggets for people to watch and glean insights relevant to how we can make this work of DEI practical.
We’ve released 5 so far and there will be more coming out in the coming weeks. I’m going to put even more effort into these digestible chunks of knowledge so I can keep sharing knowledge and push the work of DEI forward.
See my last blog post about “why” we launched it and why we’re providing easy-to-digest clips of what can help to make Diversity and Inclusion more “uncomplicated”.
I believe this delivery of consistent, bite-sized content can make complex subjects more manageable. It’s a way to create relevant information to those who are wanting to remain closely connected to content that helps them to build their inclusive leadership.
2. Creating virtual community chats with ‘Intentional Conversations’
I know people are hungry for a level of connection right now. I decided to start a virtual series called “Intentional Conversations” which are virtual community chats on Fridays from 11am-12pm EST on zoom.
The point of these conversations is to create connection through community and assist our audience with dynamic knowledge and insight to help people understand the importance of leading inclusively, and personal and professional growth and development.
Last week we had 80 participants that joined only a couple days after announcing!
Although the topics will vary, what connects all sessions are intentional conversations around matters that intersect DEI with leadership and business.
I’ve been structuring those by having a co-host, and we have candid, raw, and authentic conversations. These conversations have been heavily skewed towards people who are part of under-represented populations.
We’ve also been talking about how COVID-19 has impacted people and their business. It lets others feel comfortable in how we are holding this space.
You can join us every Friday at 11am EST — Register at NikaWhite.com
3. Hosting a Virtual Summer Book Club
We haven’t started promoting this yet but I’m so excited to officially announce it very soon.
Starting in June, we’ll be hosting a Virtual Book Club.
The book is going to be “The Memo: What Women of Color Need to Know to Secure a Seat at the Table” by Minda Harts.
The author herself, Minda Harts, will be my co-host for these virtual conversations.
“The Memo” is a fantastic book about securing seats at the table in corporate America and the challenges that women of color face. It also discusses support and advice on how women of color can succeed in their careers.
This will be an intersectional book club reading — the book is about women of color but it has great relevance to those who want to be allies to women of color and help support them in the workplace.
I’m being intentional to make sure not only people of color see it as important but also those who are allies. Oftentimes when these types of book clubs are done, it’s all women of color with the shared experience. I think the dynamics of having women of color along with intersectional leaders of different backgrounds can make for some really great dialogue.
We have 3 sessions. We suggest you first purchase the book (and you’ll get a free workbook) and then we will have the virtual summer book club on June 9, 16, 23 from 6-730pm.
Stay tuned also at NikaWhite.com
4. Providing Virtual Mentoring and Coaching
Often, many individuals who are looking to break into the field or discipline of DEI reach out to me. Historically, I’ve not had the bandwidth to take on those 1-on-1 coaching opportunities, but now it is something that I’m seeing a need and interest for.
I’ve now launched virtual mentoring and coaching where I’ve packaged some video training. I’m more intentional about promoting this in a way that is not just individual courses but is also a suite of online video training.
In these times of crisis, it’s not feasible to physically bring in a content expert to facilitate live training, learning, and development are mission-critical and must go on.
We must continue to lead inclusively, quickly, and thoughtfully during this time.
That’s why I’m excited to offer interactive virtual training where individuals or organizations train directly with me to help prepare individuals or entire teams to overcome challenges and support organizational goals through strategic diversity, a lens of equity and intentional inclusion, even when working remotely.
Learn more here: NikaWhite.com
5. Reading Excerpts from My Books on IG Live
Lastly, this one is fun, simple, and a light lift.
Every Tuesday, at 4pm EST for one hour, I’ll be going live on Instagram and FB Live and doing live readings from my two books: “The Intentional Inclusionist” and “Next-Level Inclusionist”
As I read excerpts from my two books, I’ll be opening a discussion on the specifics of leading inclusively and all that I’ve learned over 20+ years working with over 100 corporate, educational, government and non-profit brands.
Come tune in on instagram at: @nikacwhite
And you can grab the books here: Nika White’s Books
It’s quite apparent that times are changing. Depending on how we move forward, this can be a time of deep reflection, shifting, and processing.
As leaders of organizations find ways to move forward, I do believe they should be vocal and authentic in their communication. They should say to their employees that “we understand the difficulties and complications of the world right now.. We realize this is a truth and we’re dealing with it in [this way]…”
It’s a time to be more communicative, more authentic, and to speak with more clarity.
For example, people are having conversations on:
How do we mobilize in solidarity in those who are disproportionately affected right now?
For those who might not think DEI is essential work, the notions of INCLUSION matter more now than ever before is prevalent for some people.
How can we battle racism/xenophobia in the workplace and beyond? For example, right now, many Asian Americans are being discriminated against. Can we use this opportunity to identify these issues and find ways to battle this racism?
How can we still value people despite the distinctions of “essential” and “non-essential?
I do worry about the psychological implications when referring to some people as “essential” and others as “non-essential”. I, of course, understand the point since we are pivoting fast and valuing those on the front lines, but I do worry about what it will do psychologically and in society to those with “non-essential roles”. Something to think about.
All of this said, I do have hope for the future.
I think there is a great deal of potential for where we are. It is a time to pivot, and more importantly, a time to connect.
We need connection so we are not alone in our feelings and thoughts. We also need to strike a balance by providing tools and best strategies for people to leverage to get them to the next level.
We must intentionally pivot our businesses to brace for the times ahead.
We must also extend grace, accept grace, and navigate as best we can.
Wishing you healthy and peaceful days through these challenging times.