I’ve always found myself drawn to advocacy of groups that are often under-represented so it was no surprise that I ended up in the profession of diversity and inclusion. As a Diversity and Inclusion practitioner, I receive speaking engagement invitations on occasions. The opportunities that I am really passionate about are those where I am able to share my personal stories and reflections that empower women and populations that are often in underserved communities. For this reason, I wish to dedicate my next three blog posts to a topic that I spend a lot of time thinking about…leadership and empowerment. Empowering women is a passion and leadership is a lifelong study and pursuit of mine. Literally, 60% of my personal time right now is consumed with literature, studies, panel discussions and dissertation research related to leadership. I am currently working on my doctorate in management and organizational leadership and my dissertation research relates to board diversity – specifically the disparities of women and minorities on boards and in senior level positions. Usually when I do these talks, I am asked about handouts and presentation decks, etc., but I typically don’t use those tools with this subject. This topic is personal for me. I always wish to create an atmosphere that will foster intimate conversations in a safe environment. I find that these discussions are more meaningful when kept informal. What I’m finding is that the facts do not paint a pretty picture. In fact, the data uncovers that we have a lot of work to do to even the playing field and allow women to advance in leadership in greater numbers.
In this three part blog series, I’m going to give you some statistics, share reasons for the disparity, underscore real application that can make a difference, (things you and I can do starting today), and explain why it all matters (unfortunately, it is necessary to explain to some). In this post, I start with the statistics and reasons for the disparity based on the numerous articles and research I’ve encountered throughout my studies. Brace yourselves.
The C-suite jobs tend to involve more pressure and less flexibility, which can be less appealing to women forming families or opting for greater control over their lives.
The lack of strong and consistent woman-to-woman support. Women we can be our own demise if we aren’t taking and creating opportunities to both publicly and privately advocate for other women.