Your quality of life is based on how you interpret the events of life.
Prov 23:7 As a man thinks in his heart, so is he
A sound understanding of the principle of perspective brings meaning to “everything happens for a reason.” The hardest thing about everything happens for a reason is waiting for that reason to be revealed. If not careful, this waiting period can breed the mentality of a victim. The principle of perspective states that quality of life is based on how a person interprets the events of life. Most people equate their life to their current circumstances. That thought process violates the principle of perspective and puts the mind on the proverbial emotional roller coaster of life. No one wants to be on an emotional roller coaster experiencing extreme highs and extreme lows from situation to situation, but so many are. Unfortunately, most think the ticket off the roller coaster can be found in external pursuits. Too many search for mental stability or happiness through the pursuit of fame, fortune, or relationships. Life has proven over and over that it has a unique set of problems for everyone including the rich, poor, healthy, sick, famous and obscure. No one escapes life difficulties… no one. Regardless of the circumstances, if you view your life as positive, then you will enjoy all the rich pleasures of living the “good life.” If you think your life is bad, you will suffer through life as a victim. Events of life are neither negative or positive, but instead neutral. When individuals interpret the events of life, that becomes their reality. We are not given a good life or a bad life. We are given a life and we determine it to be good or bad. Based on how you view the events of life you will either be empowered to move forward or enslaved to the past. Mary Engelbreit stated it like this, “If you don’t like something, change it; if you can’t change it; change the way you think about it.” It does not matter if you change something you don’t like or just change the way you think about it the outcome is the same…the situation no longer is a negative influence in your life. A positive perspective promotes a healthy lifestyle, which positively develops you mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
There are three steps to practicing the Principle of Perspective .
1). Recognize when your perspective is turning negative. This is typically at the point of experiencing failure or difficulties. This is the Victim’s perspective. A Victim feels powerless to change the circumstance so they become negative and enslaved to the thought that something or someone is keeping them from succeeding. It can be as simple as a past hurt that someone inflicted or a current disappointment. You have to recognize quickly when your thoughts are turning negative and leading you into a powerless disposition of harping on things you cannot control… like other people. Don’t focus on the negative including your fears. Coco Chanel said,”success is most often achieved by those who don’t know that failure is inevitable.” — Coco Chanel. Being aware of your fears is smart. Overcoming your fears is empowering.
2) Redirect your mind to engage in the things you can control. This is the Victor’s perspective. A Victor’s mindset overcomes the fact that someone or something victimized them and take control of the one thing that they can control… how they will respond to the event. A Victor is not powerless because they have the option to learn from the disappointing events of life and apply what they learn to become better rather than bitter. The Victim looks at the events of life as being negative while a Victor looks at the events of life as being necessary. A Victor knows that failure, hurt, pain, and shortcomings communicate valuable lessons and therefore conclude every event in life is of necessity. A victor commits to becoming better because of the shortcoming. This truth is universal and works no matter your income, race, gender, ability or disability. We all have to fight the Victim mentality and embrace being a Victor in every circumstance of life.
3). Redefine success. Success is not about reaching a destination it is about starting and moving forward on a never ending journey towards your dreams and goals. Be brave enough to start. What determines success from day to day on a journey is simply if you are moving forward. With this understanding, you will free yourself to engage in the practice of this principle, which is Recognizing and Redirecting without the burden of making something happen today. Success is moving forward each and every day towards your goals and dreams. Some days redefining success will come easy, but many days you will have to intentionally practice redirecting your thoughts so that you feel like you can achieve what you put your mind to. This mindset provides empowerment to move forward and to sow your very best effort even when you cannot perceive your best will be good enough. Moving forward in the face of adversity, uncertainty, and even fear is success. Winston Churchill once stated, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” Continuing to move forward daily in your career aspirations, relationships and your most lofty dreams despite the odds against you is success.