Instagram posts. Facebook stories. LinkedIn updates. We see a lot of #Ally posts these days.
But, what do the words “being an ally” really mean?
As businesses, politicians, organizations, and people in general move towards becoming more diverse and inclusive, I ask — what are you doing to take share your advocacy and your allyship?
What is being an “ally”?
A lot of people will consider or call themselves an ally today in the pursuit of D&I and the world in general.
I believe we need to take a step back and help people to understand the true definition of allyship. What does “being an ally” really look like if you’re delivering?
Allyship is a process just like “inclusion” is a process.
I like to define allyship
I also like The Corporate Sister
’s definition:
If you’re a true ally — you’re not just someone who has the sentiment of “I believe that equality, justice, dignity and respect should be provided to this group of people or identity…”
But you stand in solidarity with those marginalized people.
And that simple shift looks quite different. And provides a much greater impact.
I’m also of the persuasion that the people you are being an ally for
should be the ones giving you the label. It doesn’t work to just say “I am an ally” but your actions and impact must make those groups say “Yes, that person IS an ally.”
We want to see more actual allyship in this world versus performative allyship (or Ally Theater ) which is “talking the talk of allyship” but not actually “walking the walk.”
How to be more intentional as an ally:
I’m not trying to minimize or judge the importance of allies. They are so important and appreciated, but it’s the way that an ally operates that is vital.
If someone of a marginalized identity can say that XYZ person (or you) is an ally, they see that that person has sacrificed something—whether it’s using their voice, , challenging the status quo, volunteering, or using their personal privilege in a public space. They truly see
that person is an advocate.
As an ally — what you’re really doing is acting FOR
others in pursuit of helping to end whatever type of oppression exists. People do that sometimes by educating others, being a voice for others, being a sponsor for others, and being a mentor for others.
As an ally — you are leveraging your power, influence, and privilege to be able to help someone else overcome some of the hurdles or barriers that exist because of their situation or oppression (whatever that may mean in their unique circumstance).
Here are a few ways to be more intentional about the work of allyship:
Don’t do Performative Allyship –
walk the talk
As this Forbes article
with Sheree Atcheson states, “To be allies, words and action must be in sync.”
Earlier, I mentioned, “Performative Allyship” — the practice of “talking a big talk” but not actually backing it up. Performative Allyship exists as an occasional public performance instead of continuous, well-informed labor.
We need to make sure that if we’re talking about being a true ally, it’s not just for PR purposes but to really allow people to hold you accountable.
Here’s a simple example of a community ‘walking the talk’.
Last week, a colleague of mine in Arizona saw a sign (below) and emailed it to me. It was a giant interstate sign on US84 heading into town. I don’t know much of ins-and-outs of the community’s work, but with this sign, they are definitely “hanging it out there” for the world to see.
I actually liked the sentiment of it.
I know it’s just a sign, and whether it’s in practice or not — this is a good thought — because to get to that sign, they have to do the mental process of knowing that people are going to scrutinize or call them out and hold them accountable.
They had to have done some internal work.
The real test will be to see if they’re delivering upon it. Typically when organizations/businesses put it out there — they know they’ll be held to scrutiny.
To me, part of the strategy behind something like this is to not only communicate what you strive for, but to give people license to hold you accountable to it. So you can’t just perform, but you have to “live it”. And I don’t think people are too willing to do that unless they are ready to actually be held accountable.
How can
be more intentional as an ally?
With that simple sign, it’s sending a very intentional message that you are a community/organization that is continuously practicing that role as an ally. And doing it in a well-informed way.
Solidarity means you are being active in helping to facilitate a change. I think that’s the important difference between performative allyship and true allyship.
I personally like to challenge people – if you consider yourself an ally – how can you stand in solidarity for those individuals? What can you do to amplify both your internal and external work to support those marginalized voices and communities?
Feel free to share your thoughts and observations in the comments below! And share this article with someone you think might find value from it.
The post What Does It Really Mean to Be an Ally?<br></br><br> appeared first on Nika White Consulting.